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Friday, September 16, 2011



That's all I have to say. I had a dog just last week. And so far he has been filling up my boring days lol. I also won one of those 1 year supply of pet food for my dog.  Named him "Shaggy" Because of how long his hairs are. We found Shaggy as a stray dog actually. But so far he has been coping good. He even learned how to climb up our stairs!

Anyway here are more pics!

If it weren't for Shaggy. I would be more like this:
I just keep sitting here at this computer, saying I'm making changes, saying I'm moving ahead in my life, saying I can handle it when it comes up... But I'm scared as hell for college and to grow up. I don't know if I can support the workload. I WANT to so bad, I WANT to go to all my classes and do all the work because I find it fascinating, but I'm my own worst enemy. My inherent laziness. Or is it inherent? I'm sabotaging my life, and I can't see a way to stop.

Kind of sad. But. Everyone of us have our own demons.
And Shaggy made my life more positive than before.


  1. He's really cute :) Make sure he gets all his shots and what nots if he's a stray. I kinda feel like that myself really -_-

  2. That's cool, that he helps you to deal with stuff. Hang in there. :)
    I think a lot of bad habits, that you learn when you're in teens kinda drag you down later on and it's hard to get rid of them.

  3. Awesome dog Dee! I feel ya on overcoming laziness. Just going or getting started is half the battle. You can do it man. Hang in there!

  4. He's so cute!!!!!
    I like him!!!!!!!!!!
    Suddenly, I want a dog T_T

    Hello Shaggy!!!! let's be friends!!! ^_^

  5. Pets usually have that kind of an effect on people.

  6. Graces her subjects, and her thoughts the king. Supporting!

  7. Very cute! it's nice to have pets, especially since we genetically raped wolves to the point where they stand no chance of survival without us.

  8. awww. this was an inspiring post :) and such a nice puppy.

  9. re your comment: what's a batil patong? hehe
